PICO-8はデフォルトで解像度が128 x 128ドットですが、これをコードから設定変更することができます。
cls() ::_:: circfill(32,32,20,7) goto _
cls() poke(0x5f2c,3) ::_:: circfill(32,32,20,7) goto _
そうすると、解像度が64 x 64ドットに変わって、同じ数字でも大きな表示になりました。
0x5f2c / 24364This value sets the draw mode to normal, stretching, mirroring, flipping, or rotating.
- 0 = normal mode
- 1 = horizontal stretch, 64x128px screen, left half of normal screen
- 2 = vertical stretch, 128x64px screen, top half of normal screen
- 3 = both stretch, 64x64px screen, top left quarter of normal screen
- 5 = horizontal mirroring, left half copied and flipped to right half
- 6 = vertical mirroring, top half copied and flipped to bottom half
- 7 = both mirroring, top left quarter copied and flipped to other quarters
The following modes have been added as of 0.2.0:
- 129 = horizontal flip
- 130 = vertical flip
- 131 = both flip
- 133 = clockwise 90 degree rotation
- 134 = 180 degree rotation (effectively equivalent to 131)
- 135 = counterclockwise 90 degree rotation
上記のコードの場合は、「3 = both stretch, 64x64px screen, top left quarter of normal screen」を設定しています。